ScanCARE Blog

What you need to know about Surgical Instrument Marking

Michael Stanton 15-Dec-2015 07:00:00
What you need to know about Surgical Instrument Marking


Just about everyone these days wants their surgical instruments etched with 2D data matrix barcodes. There are plenty of benefits to be gained from doing so.

It speeds up the instrument assembly process and reduces the need for your people to memorise instrument names. The assembly process becomes very simple. Team members scan a barcode on an instrument and the computer tells them if it’s the right one or not and when the tray is complete.


How to categorize a Cataract Tray for Ophthalmic Centres/Ophthamology

Michael Stanton 03-Nov-2015 07:00:00
How to categorize a Cataract Tray for Ophthalmic Centres/Ophthamology

Surgical Instrument Product Families for Ophthalmologists

The new version of AS/NZS 4187 released on the 15th December last year brought some very significant changes to the previous standard. One of the most significant changes is the standards reference to Product Families.

In a previous blog, I provided an overview of ISO/TS 17665-3:2013 - Sterilization of health care products - Moist heat - Part 3: Guidance on the designation of a medical device to a product family and processing category for steam sterilization.

Today I will get into the specifics of how to apply the standard to a Cataract Tray. Let's take a look at how to do that.

AS4187 or 4185? Infection control standards for dental practitioners?

Michael Stanton 29-Oct-2015 12:13:21
AS4187 or 4185? Infection control standards for dental practitioners?

If you’re a member of the Dental Health community you’re probably aware that a lot has happened in the last 12 months. I am referring to infection control breaches that have happened
in New South Wales. Around the same time two documents were released that have the express purpose of preventing such issues.


They are:

  • AS4187 2014
  • The Australian Dental Association Guidelines for Infection Control Third Edition 2015.

Infection Control has become a hot topic and the Australian Dental Board's release of an open letter  dated 16th July 2015 reminding Dental Practitioners of their Infection control obligations under the National Law is testament to that.

With this blog, I will try to provide some guidance through the maze of standards and guidelines and provide dental practitioners with a list of relevant documentation for further reading.

Confused?  How to make sense of Paperless Medical Records Solutions

Michael Stanton 07-Oct-2015 16:48:16
Confused?  How to make sense of Paperless Medical Records Solutions

EMR, EHR, PCEHR, eHealth – what’s it all mean?

When it comes to naming computerised medical record solutions, the common approach, is to give them an acronym, or at the very least get the letter ‘e’ in there somewhere. The result is confusion.

I am frequently in conversations with people who randomly interchange EMR with EHR, eHealth with PCEHR and Paperless Medical Records with Digital Documents. And who can blame them?  It’s ambiguous and a conversation like that generally results in a headache.

In this post I hope to shed more light on what the terms all mean and bring it back to plain language.

[AS/NZS4187 - 2014] Reprocessing flexible endoscopes: what's changed?

Michael Stanton 15-Sep-2015 10:42:45

Flexible Endoscope

Previously I wrote about the new version  of AS/NZS 4187 (what it means for day surgeries and a reference table to AS4187 terminology for CDS Managers) which was released on the 15th December last year. It has brought some very significant changes to the previous standard. In this blog post I discuss the standard's application to the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes.