ScanCARE Blog

Posts about Medical Assets:

How does six sigma apply to healthcare and medical practice

Michael Stanton 14-Sep-2016 07:43:00
How does six sigma apply to healthcare and medical practice

We've all had the experience of sitting in waiting room for what seems and absolute eternity waiting to see a medical professional. Flicking through outdated, dog eared magazines, keeping an eye on the queue, feeling nervous and hoping that it’s your turn next.

It’s crazy really, because not only does it create discomfort and dissatisfaction with patients, it also costs the practice significantly in terms of customer satisfaction and higher operating costs.

But why does this happen and, more to the point, how can it be improved?

How activity based data amps up theatre optimisation rates

Michael Stanton 18-Aug-2015 18:03:00
How activity based data amps up theatre optimisation rates

Theatre optimisation rates are important for both Private and Public health care facilities. It’s about better patient outcomes and quality of care. Moreover, an optimised theatre asset will allow more patients to be treated in a shorter amount of time. In the instance of private healthcare facilities operating theatres are also a main income producing asset.

How to enhance patient experiences and utilisation of theatre assets

Michael Stanton 09-Jul-2015 19:13:00
How to enhance patient experiences and utilisation of theatre assets

Patient Experience or Performance?

Are both possible? Pressure to improve performance and client retention is experienced by private and public hospitals around Australia. The patient experience and utilisation of medical assets are both key factors in realising these goals. But in a system that is frequently overburdened, where do you start and where can the biggest impact be made in the shortest amount of time?